Anyone dealing with Chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction? I think I am. After years of problems, and so many tests that everyone was sure wuld show a blockage, only to find the tests showed nothing, in fact less than nothing internally... I just talked t

I think I am. After years of problems, and so many tests that everyone was sure wuld show a blockage, only to find the tests showed nothing, in fact less than nothing internally… I just talked t

:stuck_out_tongue: :innocent:

Honey, when you start a new thread, there’s a space for the title of your post and another for the body. You seem to have put them all together. I split them up for you, but I think you ran out of space to say all that you wanted to.

You’re set up now to say more. Hit reply and tell us the rest of the story!

Have a great day.

Seenie from Moderator Support

Oh thank you so much!
First time and bad eyes :slight_smile: Thank you for fixing it :)Honeybee